Get to know me better

Name: Marina Binti Ahmad Bakri
Nickname(s): ena
Age: 21
Birthday: 1st February 1987
Birthplace: Perak
Current Location: Petaling Jaya
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: 162
Weight: 53
Lefty or Righty: Left-handed
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
What Do You Drive: Yupp
Screenname: Angel

Color: Pink & purple
Number: 2
Band: Hujan,bittersweet & all local indie band
Music Genre: any
TV Show: Oprah
Actor: Brat Pitt
Actress: Angelina Jolie
Kind of Movie: Romantic-Comedy
Cartoon: Sin Chan..HAHAHAhh
Sport: Netball,swimming,squash bla2...
Fast Food Restaurant: L.J.S
Food: Any except vege will be
Ice Cream: Walls
Cereal: Coco Crunch

Have any siblings: yeah
Have any pets: nope
Have a job: studying
Have a cellphone: yeah
Have any special talents or skills: debating,arguing,public-speaking
Have any fears: of course
Have a bedtime: i do
Sing in the shower: rarely
Want to go to college: UK, will you?
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Have any piercings: it's a big no!
My weaknesses: easy to cry,,urghh!!
Do You Think You are Attractive: u tell me..
Number of Things in My Past I Regret:
hell many to mention
When Was the Last Time You Cried:

When Was the Last Time You Heard "I Love You":

Hmm..ntah, dec 2007 perhaps

Ever been in love: yup
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: never
Single, Taken, or Crushing: Single
Are you in a relationship: nope
Do you have a crush on someone: no one for now
Ever been dumped: yes.. ;'(
Ever dumped someone: nope

Fruit or Vegetable: fruit
Black or White: black
Lights On or Lights Off: off..owhh..romantic.. ;p
TV or Movie: movie
Car or Truck: car
Cash or Check: cash
Rock or Rap: rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: depends
French Toast or French Fries: fries
Strawberries or Blueberries: blueberries
Cookies or Muffins: muffins
Winter Break or Spring Break: spring
Hugs or Kisses: both,,can?

If somebody liked you right now, how to let u noe:
Be honest but not now, i think
When you meet the right person, do you fall fast:
Do i ever met mr right?
Do you enjoy playing hard to get: I enjoy it but easily give up
Talked to someone you don't know:
Do you believe love at first sight exists:

Are you romantic: Definitely!
Do you play the "game" when you are dating:

Hahahh..which 'game' huh?
Would u ever take someone back if they cheated on u:

Def, if i love him so damn much
Have you talked about marriage with another person:

yes, with my ex-bf
Do you believe that you can change someone:
yes, but someone who loves me
Do you have feelings for someone right now:
afraid of get crush of someone
What would you say about your last ex:
Caring, loving.. i love him.. ;'{


Aida Zahrol said...

tp da terbiasa nak panggil yu mary la..huhu..leh ke? :D

i love both hugs + kisses too... *LOL*

Marina Ina said...

tk per...marry anne tu name samaran i gak!! ;p

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