The Remedy is Lactic Acid

help me.. do im suffering from high blood pressure or any other disease?
*sigh* i remember; when i was in LJS about 2years ago, i went to pharmacy to check my blood pressure,,
but the pharmacist said that,, its not about the level pressure in your blood,, its because u eat less sugar..HAHA.. izzit? im gonna give ya lactic acid,,ape tuh? en. ceghap explain plis! ;p

hurm..pening la.klau bgun lps dduk,, trus mcm nk mati. *GRRr..mcm nk pitam ..hitam je..
hmm..i need to hold something or else i will *dumm!* pengsan,,

ape-kah itu?slalu jd begitu pd saya. ada-kah saya ni low blood pressure ataw eat less sugar..
*erk..nk muntah*

plis gimme the remedies!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

acid lactic? ye ke dia bg acid lactic? klu duduk je pastu bangun, pastu nak jatuh, itu sbb badan tu panas. mandi dah la malas, rajin2 sket mandi. lagi. klu pasal acid lactic tu. rasa nya mineral x cukup tu. makan xseimbang. kadang2 klu xcukup acid lactic, abdominal cramps leh berlaku. mcm mechanism kat muscle tissue masa pergerakan perlukan lactic. rasanya la.. tu belajaq masa kat matrik. dah lupa dah. ni ada sikit info. baca pastu pk la sebab dr tu bg lactic acid. sy mls nak terangkan, klu tak paham leh la tnya. ni info:

A lactic acid test is a blood test that measures the level of lactic acid made in the body. Most of it is made by muscle tissue and red blood cells. When the oxygen level in the body is normal, carbohydrate breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. When the oxygen level is low, carbohydrate breaks down for energy and make lactic acid.

Lactic acid levels get higher when strenuous exercise or other conditions-such as heart failure, a severe infection (sepsis), or shock-lower the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body. Lactic acid levels can also get higher when the liver is severely damaged or diseased, because the liver normally breaks down lactic acid.

Very high levels of lactic acid cause a serious, sometimes life-threatening condition called lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis can also occur in a person who takes metformin (Glucophage) to control diabetes when heart or kidney failure or a severe infection is also present.

A lactic acid test is generally done on a blood sample taken from a vein in the arm but it may also be done on a sample of blood taken from an artery (arterial blood gas).

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