Those humiliator out there..

U guys out there..listen.. this is my blog..
my site..my word..my diaries..
and people..do not simply leaving your msg in my shout box
and telling me that im sux, fuck or what so called tk puas hati punya word..
this is my personal blog..and you are going to be banned by me..
if you hate me or my words either.. do close your browser and
banned my url..

i never ask anyone to read my words line by line.. it succa wasting ppl time.
and let say you like to daily, browsing my blog, i could say that, u are my die hard fan babe!
or in the other word, u r soo jealous of myself..

the thing is that, if you hate me so much ppl, and wanted to humiliate me..yes,
u are honored to do so..silakan lah..but please!! do reveal yourself.. or i will consider you as
penakut, pengecut, dayus, pandai ckp aje..ok?

im not too much..u hv started it..
enuff said!!

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